Proxy is a rather interesting class. It gives you an opportunity to override basic behaviour of some actionscript 3 operators (such as "for", "", "delete", "[]"). You cannot create Proxy instances directly, you must override it and override needed methods.
Proxy is a good class to build enumerable collections. Let's create a custom collection, which overrides Proxy and implements some its basic behaviour.
First I'm going to implement enumeration logic. There are 3 methods in Proxy class, which will help us:
nextNameIndex(index : int) : int nextName(index : int) : String nextValue(index : int) : *
nextNameIndex is called within each iteration in "for" and "" loops. It receives index, which is being incremented every iteration by 1 (starting with 0). In this method you're supposed to return an int, which will be next passed to nextValue ("for") or nextName (""). An important moment here: you return 0 to stop the loop.
There'll be an array as the source of our collection.
flash_proxy override function nextNameIndex(index : int) : int { return index < source.length ? index + 1 : 0; } flash_proxy override function nextName(index : int) : String { return (index - 1).toString(); } flash_proxy override function nextValue(index : int) : * { return source[index - 1]; }
Pay attention, that all methods are declared in flash_proxy namespace, so don't forget to add "use namespace flash_proxy" before class declaration.
As you see, we return (index + 1) in "nextNameIndex", because we cannot return 0 as index. But we use (index - 1) in "nextName" and "nextValue".
To override "[]" operator we should implement "getProperty" and "setProperty" methods.
flash_proxy override function getProperty(name : *) : * { if (name is String && !isNaN(parseInt(name))) return source[int(parseInt(name))]; else return undefined; } flash_proxy override function setProperty(name : *, value : *) : void { if (name is String && !isNaN(parseInt(name))) source[int(parseInt(name))] = value; else throw new Error("Illegal index"); }
Using our class:
var col : CustomCollection = new CustomCollection(); for (var i : int = 0; i < 3; i++) col[i] = i.toString() + "str"; trace("For each loop:"); for each (var elem : * in col) trace(elem); trace("For loop:"); for (var key : String in col) trace("Key: " + key + ", value: " + col[key]);
More info about Proxy class you can find here.
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